In February, the Trustees of the Mary Black Foundation introduced and approved the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan. The plan for the previous 3 years was completed in December. It adopted a framework for a more proactive approach to collaboration and grant making. This approach was reflected in the renewed mission, vision, core values, and three goals that promised greater impact, engagement, and partnership. From 2013-2016, the trustees aspired to be more accountable, informed, networked, and visibly leading engagement in a healthy community with a compelling story of results.
By 2016, the Foundation had increased its capacity for convening and collaborating, restructured internal operations for grant making to reflect a more consistent & strategic grant cycle. The Foundation also led efforts resulting in Spartanburg being recognized nationally with the Robert Wood Johnson Culture of Health prize and designated as a “Way to Wellville community. To achieve greater impact, outcome measurements were established.
The Trustees believe the three goals established in the prior plan remain top priorities and there is still more work to be done:
IMPACT: The Foundation will communicate to the public ways it is contributing as a financial investor & through in-kind support. The Foundation will work with its grantee partners to set and achieve numerical results for each of the logic models.
ENGAGE: The Foundation will expand the conversation and problem-solving to be more inclusive and encourage greater health equity in the county
INVEST: The Foundation will continue to leverage outside funding to the community and will steward its own financial resources wisely.
The 2017-2019 strategic plan puts Mary Black Foundation on a path to showcase and measure its impact, engage new voices into its work, make an intentional commitment to promoting greater health equity, and leverage and direct its investments to align with its mission.
To read the full strategic plan, go to plan.