Supporting Teenagers During COVID-19
It is no secret we are in new and challenging times. We are having to learn how to live our daily lives in a new manner that many of us have never had to experience. When we think about how these challenging times are impacting us, it is important to also think about how it is impacting our younger generations as well.
Mary Black Foundation’s adolescent health initiative, Connect, relies on insights from Spartanburg teenagers to drive its work. Some of Connect’s youth ambassadors have expressed the two main concerns of teens during this COVID-19 pandemic- anxiety and boredom.
Resources to Support Teens
Thankfully many organizations are sharing online resources geared towards parents of teens to provide encouragement and tips on how they can support the health and wellbeing of their young person during these unprecedented times.
A local resource parents can utilize is Triple P. Triple P is an online parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to parent. It’s more of a toolbox of ideas to customize what works for you and your family. This online tool provides positive parenting strategies that can help in every day life as well as during these uncertain times. For more information about Triple P, contact Angela Robinson at: [email protected].
Connect Spartanburg
Many of the wonderful youth-serving organizations in Spartanburg are providing support to families even though their normal programs and services have been impacted. We know right now it may be difficult to weed through all of the information and resources being circulated. Connect will be sharing the supports, services, and opportunities these organizations are providing through its social media channels. We encourage parents to follow us on Facebook and teens to follow us on Instagram.
Connect will be releasing two fun and informative series (one for parents and one for teens) soon. Make sure to follow us on our social media channels for more information!
If teens or parents are ever looking for information on adolescent health topics, including local provider information and online resources, they can visit